
The Incidence of Childhood Inactive Behavior Growing at an Alarming Rate

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It is accepted that the incidence of childhood inactive behavior is increasing at a disturbing rate. The physical activity level and health behavior of the youth population has the capability to be a valuable instrument in countering this undesired behavior and the obesity pandemic as well as lowering all-cause mortality (Tudor-Lock et al., 2011). According to the center for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity rates have doubled among children since 1980 (McNamara et al., 2010). Being obese as a child amounts to having a 17% higher incidence of being obese as an adult then those children of healthy Body Mass Index or “BMI” (Tudor-Lock et al., 2011). It is documented that obesity in children is linked …show more content…

Key Health Issue
School physical education programs are the primary social institutions responsible for promoting physical activity in youth (Sallis et al., 1997). A consensus reached among all the studies, was that schools are the best location for childhood obesity intervention. This is a result of children molding beneficial dietary and physical leisure habits at a young age and schools capacity to impact those behaviors (Sallis et al., 1997). Physical education also promotes physical activity outside of the school and has as a public health benefit. Behavioral theories involved in enhancing physical activity include the Locus of Control, Health Belief model, and the Social Learning Theory. Physical education in School allows the Health Belief Model to be addressed to students regarding the severity of obesity and the benefits of taking preventative action. This may also assist in removing any perceived barriers the child may have and motivate the student to take action.
Priority Population It is currently believed that within the United States, one and five children are overweight or borderline obese (Williamson et al., 2008). Specific populations within the United States have demonstrated a higher prevalence of obesity in youth, which include Hispanic and African Americans. This fact results in obesity being the most prevalent nutritional disorder among youth populations (Williamson et al., 2008).

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