
The Industrial Revolution Essay

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The Industrial Revolution During the 1800's, phenomenal changes took place in America. These changes would impact our society incredibly for years to come and even still in the present. The major changes that took place were in transportation and industry. American society expanded so much in the early 1800's that it very well could have been the only time in history where this happened in such a short amount of time. From steamboats to railroads and from textile mills to interchangeable parts, the revolutions of this century were key to America's expansion as a country. First, the Transportation Revolution began early with simple roads. The National Road, from Baltimore to Illinois was finished in 1838. This road was originally …show more content…

Overall the Erie Canal was a great improvement to the social and economic problems in America. Around the time of the building of canals, the steamboat was invented. In 1807, Robert Fulton and Robert R. Livingston created the Clermont on the Hudson River. Steamboats changed transportation drastically. They could travel faster, carry more cargo, and meet schedules on time. A ferry service was created to link New York and New Jersey. Steamboats became essential along the Mississippi-Ohio River system. Steamboats were also a step up in the Social class because they had places called saloons. Saloons were created for wealthy families. They were lavish cabins were people could go to relax during their trip. Like canals, Steamboats also had a downside. There were cases where steamboats exploded and killed many people. Also, the amount of fuel for steamboats was very limited. Steamboats made transportation and shipping much easier on American society (Enduring Vision 247). Along with canals and steamboats, railroads made their way into society in 1840. Railroads were by far the most influential change in society during that time. Railroads cut shipping and traveling prices in half, not to mention the time they saved people. Cities like Baltimore and Boston benefited especially from railroads because of their lack of waterways. Now all cities could be internally connected make use out of each other. Railroads were relatively cheap to build and

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