
The Industrial Revolution Essay

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Conditions of laborers and the role of women in society has been constantly evolving over the course of history. However, these two major groups experienced the most drastic alterations during the Industrial Revolution. Between the 19th and early 20th centuries, laborers diversified in age, while labor conditions declined. During this same time period, the role of women was reinvented as females searched for work and changed their role within the family.
To begin, industrialization was the instigator of mass factory production across the globe. The increase in factories meant the increase of job opportunities. Since poverty was rampant at this time, a mass of people looked to the factories in search of work, even though factory owners …show more content…

Furthermore, “By the 1830's the normal working

day...was considered to be 12 hours...though longer hours might be worked by children in domestic workshops (Hopkins, 55).” This shows the exact extremes to which laborers worked; half of his or her day was literally spent in the factory.
To continue, as the Industrial Revolution progressed, woman began to revolutionize their own roles within the workforce. “...the impetus of technology, science and medicine freed women from the biological constraints, opening up new job opportunities (Oxley, and Nicholas 724).” Not only could women now go out and seek employment, but they had the opportunity to shake the age-old tradition of a woman being caged within the walls of her own home. However, “...trades employing woman involved irregular employment, long hours, and poor pay (Oxley, and Nicholas, 739).” Woman had the opportunity to work, but most of the time they were better off staying at home due to the poor working conditions.
Also, because of the Industrial Revolution, woman's role within the family began to change. “Declining job opportunities in the paid labor market diminished the power of woman in the family, limiting their 'rights' to intrahousehold resources... (Oxley, and Nicholas 739).” Women were now not only less appreciated in the workforce, but their inability to maintain steady employment could also end up diminishing

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