
The Influence Of African Americans Into World War II

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Although reacting to the same general subject all the people interviewed on the entrance of America into World War 2 display different emotions and all these to different degrees. Even so, the presence of urgency, anger and fear are abundantly common clear in the words of Americans after entering this war. Not to any less degree of importance was the common expression of respect for president Roosevelt among the interviewed Americans. One of the most expressed feelings of the interviewees was urgency. For some it was a determination for the war to be over with even though it has just begun like Edward Huddy the telephone operator from New York City who said he hopes for a “short quick war”. Others urgency was more of a need to get all …show more content…

Based on these interviews it seems the citizens on the American Homefront had decided to go to war because they respected president Roosevelt and trusted his decisions and felt the war was necessary. Edward Huddy from New York said, “the whole country is behind him” in reference to president Roosevelt after his speech which both Edward and Luis Andrew, also from New York city called a “fine speech”. The librarian from Minneapolis, Minnesota said “it has to be don’t” when talking about sending soldiers to war. The neighbors of the interviewer in Burlington, North Carolina said “we’ve got to win this war”. While the citizens in America seem to support the war to preserve their home lives and the regular peace of the nations it seems many of the servicemen may have decided to fight to change their home lives. John Jeffries says that many Americans only had “glimpses of the war”, all the horrors were censored out leaving just leaving war as a glorifying fight. Because of these many recruits likely decided to fight to come home a heroic symbol, receive personal gains, to have a better different future than the recent past they had lived in. Sadly “real” war wasn’t like what they had seen back home and the welcome back was sometimes the same shock. War was gruesome and cruel and upon return to America some veterans were “feared as disruptive

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