
Social Media And Self-Esteem

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Social media plays an important role in the lives of teenagers and potentially young women. It can actually be a big influencer on their decisions being as it’s a place to express yourself in many ways even if those ways put off negative connotations to those around. Daily on social media you typically see a lot of ads, people who you might perceive as “beautiful” or “pretty”, along with statuses and pictures that talk about how the “perfect” relationship or person should be. As a teenager myself, I recognize that a lot of young girls struggle with finding themselves and wanting to be different. Females in general have a hard time This current generation of teenagers are more concerned with social media sites like facebook, instagram, twitter, and snapchat. More people are concerned with the number of likes or favorites they get rather than actual important or real world things. For a teen that struggles with self-esteem issues, it could be confusing to see a lot of “pretty” girls and not know why you don’t or can not look like them. Social media when used addictively has negative or harmful effects on young girls self-esteem. Social media is also an easy place to experience cyber bullying. Typically on Facebook cyberbullying happens by one person sharing a picture of someone else that they are trying to make fun of.This cycle happens over and over until the picture goes viral and many people have brought attention to it. Since social media is a way for one to express themselves, people feel justified to have the right to share what they want on their account, even though it is hurting someone else. Recently, Facebook changed how statuses work. If you’re friends with someone, you can’t just automatically share their picture. To be able to share it, they have to make the picture public so the world can already see it. This somewhat cuts down on how many people can see you picture but it stops the chain of someone going viral in a bad way. Since Cyber bullying is so prevalent, the rates of teen suicide have increased and are linked to social media. On January 22nd of this year, a sixteen year old girl took her life and broadcasted it on Facebook live. While young Naika Venant was on her live broadcast “There

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