
The Influences In Yann Martel's Life Of Pi

Decent Essays

The novel “Life of Pi” illustrates the life of a character named Pi during his 227 days lost at sea. There is a strong connection between the author Yann Martel and the characters and setting in the story “Life of Pi.” Martel’s time spent in India was the major influence for this book as many of the characters and story are influenced by his experiences in India. The animals in the book, which play a major part in the story, are influenced primarily from Martel’s visit to the Trivandrum Zoo, which contains all the animals in the story except the orangutan. Religion also plays a major role in the story, which is influenced from Martel’s visit to India as he learned about the religious culture of India. Although Martel did not directly experience …show more content…

Pi is portrayed as a character who believes in three different religions: Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. Martel portrays each of the three religions as a place where Pi can find inner peace and is also used as a powerful tool to keep Pi going during his 227 days lost at sea. During his time in India, Martel observed that the people of India had a very deep belief in Hinduism, unlike western countries, where we are a lot more secular. This influence can very much be seen in Pi’s character. Pi passionately believes in zoology and religion, and his passion for religion is very deep, even though his religions seemingly contradict one another. Furthermore, his passion for zoology also shows that science and religion can go together, even though they are not very compatible with each other. Whilst learning about Hinduism, Martel also learned about the sacred animals of Hinduism, and this can be seen through one of the characters in the story: Richard Parker. Just like Richard Parker, one of the sacred animals in Hinduism is the tiger. This is because Durga, a Hindu goddess who combats demonic forces that threaten peace, is depicted riding a tiger. And although Durga does not seem to have any direct influences on Richard Parker from the story, it could be said that the tiger (Richard Parker) itself can be a direct influence from this belief. One of the major themes in “Life of Pi” is religion and Martel’s visit to India helped to influence his story in many

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