
The Inventions Of The Cotton Gin During The Industrial Revolution

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During the Industrial Revolution, many inventions were produced. In 1793, Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. Eli Whitney was a farm boy and was trying to make a name for himself as a manufacturer. About a few days later, he developed a machine to restructure the cotton industry. The pasteurization was created by Louis Pasteur in 1864. Louis Pasteur was a chemistry professor and was studying fermentation. He created this invention for beer because there was trouble with brewing and kept going bad while no one knew why. There is a big time difference between the year date they were both created. They both have been known for many years and are still being used to this day. These two inventions have made a huge impact throughout history and people’s lives. Cotton has been known for many years, but it was not used as much as compared to today. For many years, the only way to separate the cotton seeds from its fibers was to pull them out by hand. It was a very slow and hard occupation. The way the cotton gin worked was by; the cotton needs to fall through the feeder hopper, goes through a place where it comes into the wire teeth, which seizes the fibers for the seeds and comes out of the machine. Although the cotton gin was a very advantageous machine, it affected many slaves. It came with a number of unintended consequences, especially towards slavery. During this era, cotton was the most arduous plant since the seeds needed to be removed and that was a wearying process.

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