
The Iranian Revolution

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Longevity and positive outcomes are what determine whether a revolution is successful or not. This is not the case for Iran. Since the revolution, Iran has been economically, politically, and socially unstable. With an economy dependent on oil, a natural source whose production is unpredictable, stability is simply unattainable. With the same leader for a long period of time, not much can change politically. Oppositions and revolts can happen and disrupt the social lives of Iranian citizens. Although the Iranian Revolution was politically successful by maintaining an Islamic Republic, the revolution was unsuccessful because of the severe economic failure it was in the long term and the social unrest it still has today.

The revolution of 1979 marked the beginning of Iran’s economic decay and even further economic instability. Before the revolution, Iran had one of the Middle East’s most advanced economies. Petroleum exports, which make up about 85 percent of government revenues, have decreased over the years after the revolution (Trading Economics). In fact, petroleum exports declined to 1.5 million barrels per day in 2012 from 2.5 million barrels per day in 2011 (Trading Economics). The Iranian government’s dependence on oil revenues has resulted in persistent financial instability. Because of this financial instability, Iran’s inflation rate was greatly affected. The inflation rate is the rate of change of prices calculated on a monthly or annual basis. In January 2014,

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