
Essay about The Irony in Hamlet by William Shakespeare

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The Irony in Hamlet In the book Hamlet by Shakespeare, irony is used numerous times in order to give the reader insight on what is going on. As stated in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, irony is an action that is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play. If this strategy were not included in this drama, it would take away the whole purpose. This play would consist of no suspense and would be extremely boring to the reader because the characters would know as much as the readers know. This allows for incite to what can happen in the future or what has happened in the past. The irony in this play ultimately revolves around Hamlet and his plan to achieve revenge with Claudius. From the play that Hamlet organizes …show more content…

Either is foreshadowing or its flashbacking. In this case, it’s both. Hamlet and the reader only know how the murder actually transpired; the audience, at first anyways, believed that this play was just a normal play. The play is retelling how his father actually was killed but at the same time informing Claudius that Hamlet knows the truth about what really happened. At his point, the reader is waiting with Hamlet to watch Claudius’ reaction. This creates a large amount of suspense. Once Claudius realized what the drama was portraying he stormed up and left the room. This plan is a significance roll because it provides Hamlet with proof of the ghost was telling the truth or not. “What, frighted with false fire?” Hamlet asks Claudius in act 3: scene 2. It’s ironic because Hamlet and the reader know exactly why Claudius is acting like this but must play ignorant and continue to seem mad.
Throughout the whole novel this reoccurring theme of revenge continuously appears. Everyone wants to get revenge. Aside from that Fortinbras is plotting a movement. It’s very ironic that the reader knows that Fortinbras and his army is not attacking Polack, but invading Denmark to get back the land that was taken when King Hamlet was in power. He is the type of character who is trying to get something and he feels like it is rightly deserved for him. Claudius, thinking that Fortinbras was just passing through, allowed

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