
The Israeli-Arab Wars

Decent Essays

Israeli-Arab wars basically refer to a series of conflict between Israel and some Arab states. These wars have been complicated or heightened by a list of factors linked to strategic, political, and economic interests in the regions of the great powers. In some occasions, people refer to the Israeli-Arab wars as hostilities caused by religious differences between Jews and Muslims (Quandt, 2013). Nonetheless, this paper will analyze one of the Israeli-Arab wars, the 1967 War also known as the Six-Day War, based on facts like its primary cause, the countries involved, the overall strategy for each side, as well as the state which achieved military victory. Additionally, the primary battle of this conflict, its overall end result, and the reasons for selecting the Six-Day War will also be covered.
Cause of the Six-Day War and the Countries Involved The Six-Day War started in June 1967, and was fought within a period of six days; between 5th June and 10th June. The primary cause of this war was the dramatic intensification of the tension between Israel and its Arab neighboring states during the mid-1960s. It’s imperative to note that the tension had its own triggers, one being the Israel's policy of diverting water down to Negev Desert from the Jordan River. Basically, this move angered the Arab countries, particularly Syria, Egypt and Jordan (Quandt, 2013). Israel got involved in the war because of the tension caused by the terrorist activity against its land which had

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