
The Joy Luck Club: Divorce

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Divorce is something no one wants to go through in their lifetime. Unfortunately, for many of the daughters in The Joy Luck Club, they face this issue head on. One of the daughters, Rose Hsu, goes through a divorce with her estranged husband Ted Jordan. A main issue Rose faces throughout her divorce is responsibility. In the article, 10 Ways Divorce Can Change Your Life for The Better, Lisa Arends explains, “One of the first areas you have to assume responsibility for is your own well-being.” Rose begins to realize this as she starts to find herself and confronts Ted about his requests concerning the divorce. She demands to be treated as Ted’s equal and not something he can throw away. Next, Rose faces the inability to make decisions for herself …show more content…

In The Joy Luck Club, Rose Hsu and Waverly Jong represent this issue. At a young age, Waverly begins to play chess with the encouragement of her mother. Before long, she becomes a prodigy and faces unwanted pressure from her peers as well as her mother. As she gains success in chess, her mother boasts about her wins to friends and strangers. Waverly thinks her mother is bragging about her daughter to gain appreciation for herself and not for Waverly. Waverly becomes resentful of her mother’s controlling nature, and distances herself from her mother. In Healing The Mother-Daughter Relationship: An Interview, Rosjke Hasseldine speaks about the main issues mothers and daughters face in their relationships. She says, “…mothers and daughters are struggling to understand the differences in their respective realities.” This is present in Rose and Waverly’s situations. Waverly struggles to understand why her mother is so critical of her chess playing, and sees her mother as narrow-minded. As Rose goes through a divorce with her husband, her mother tries to give her advice on certain aspects of the divorce. Rose takes this as her mother mocking her, and begins to ignore her mother completely. In both situations, the daughters do not interpret their mother’s true intentions. They jump to conclusions and speculate their own thoughts on the issues resulting in a fragmented relationship with their …show more content…

In The Joy Luck Club, Waverly Jong faces a controlling and strict mother. Dr. Laura Markham says, “The strict parent deprives children of the opportunity to learn self- discipline, because all control and decisions come from the parent.” From a young age, Waverly is pushed toward being a child prodigy by her mother. Throwing herself into her studies to please her mother, she quickly loses interest in her mother’s dream for her. However, her mother persists and pushes Waverly to play the piano. Through this process, Lindo never once asks for Waverly’s opinion. She arranges a strict schedule dominating all of Waverly’s free time. Amy Tan shows that Waverly hates her mother’s decisions. The piano lessons make her feel like she “was being sent to hell” (Tan 147). With this demeanor, she practices and takes lessons without enthusiasm or spirit. This clearly represents a child resisting parental control. Through her mother’s choices, Waverly never gets the chance to discover her true passion. Although parental guidance is necessary for young adults to learn and grow, pushing kids too much will restrict them from discovering who they are,

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