
The Justification-Deception: The Maintenance Of Stereotypes

Decent Essays

Over the course of this semester we documented occurrences in our everyday life related to stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. Furthermore the critical examination of the events, behaviors, and responses from these documented occurrences provide a platform to properly reflect on. Primarily centered on substantial information I noticed about my experiences and how those experiences related to information in the text. Consequently exploring emotions I felt during the progression of the semester, what I learned about others and what I learned about myself. Documenting events that illustrated stereotypes based on people’s group membership in my environment has increased my awareness of how often people rely on stereotypes. Looking back …show more content…

Ultimately unknowingly possessing negative stereotypes I was engaging in the maintenance of stereotypes via “Self Deception… Don’t admit we stereotype, no need to change anything” (Hack, 2017). Sustaining certain expectations from people within these group memberships, subjected individuals to a self-fulfilling prophecy. Blaine (2013) describes that, “A self-fulfilling prophecy occurs when our expectation for an individual’s personality or behavior cause that person to act in ways that confirm our expectations for them” (p.43). Nevertheless, discovering that I continually related negative stereotypes to people within specific group memberships facilitated identifying the source of it. “The justification-suppression model of prejudice, the socialization process in which parents… have a role with negative attitudes and beliefs about people” (Blaine, 2013, p.68). The social learning conditioning that affected me most came from overt family value transmissions toward Fat and older people (Hack, 2017). Media portrayal of Black and older people is ordinarily negative. Tokenism of Black people within mainstream media is harmful. Consequences of tokenism include increased stigma and undermines the self-esteem of minority

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