
The Justification Of Punishment Is Justified Through Deterrence

Decent Essays

My reasons for justifying punishment are forward looking, meaning each argument is based on punishment providing societal benefits such as happiness and order. I posed three reasons why punishment through incarceration is justified through deterrence. Punishment serves as a way of promoting happiness and good. Punishment serves as an example, through displaying consequences, for others and deters them from committing the same crimes. And punishment in prison serves as a deterrent for offenders from committing another crime upon release. That said, through my research I have found many ideas brought forth by others concerning the justification of punishment that display different perspectives and pose possible challenges to my views. These …show more content…

The part that is consistent with my view on deterrence is that one of the goals of rehabilitation is to deter and prevent future crime. “Punitive confinement may rehabilitate some so that after release they commit fewer offenses than they might otherwise have committed. In addition, rehabilitative treatment tries to lead the convict to choose legitimate over criminal activities upon release” (Van Den Haag, 769). This deterrence gives offenders the ability to succeed within the confines of the law. I will accept this part of the rehabilitation theory because it reflects my views on the deterrence theory and acts as a discouragement for future crimes, providing happiness and order in society. There is however, an additional part of the rehabilitation theory I cannot entirely accept. Under rehabilitation, programs are put into place to aid in restoring the offender to a “new” life and way of living. The offender post punishment is better able to form a meaningful life. The offender’s attitude and perception of themselves and others is believed to have altered through these programs. Offenders receive education that provides knowledge and skills necessary to

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