
The Killer Angels By Michael Shaara Essay

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In the novel "The Killer Angels" by Michael Shaara, the story is told from the perspective of the men that fought in the war of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania on July 1863. We are able to see both sides of the combatants, their struggles they faced, friendships acquired, losses, personal stories and their views. In history we only learn the superficial information of how it occurred in the battle and the outcome of it, but we do not know how it happened and how much effort it took to fight in that war. Sharra enables the reader to feel as if the reader is living the war with her description of each of the characters and actions they did. We are able to know their religious views of each individual. In each they were religious although some more than others. Some had their reasons as to why they were "religious" and some as to why they had lost their faith in God. Some will face challenges that will change their views of religion and some to question if what they believe is correct or what their friend is correct. In the beginning of the novel Shaara uses a simile of the general of the union Robert E. Lee to be seen as someone important in the grace of God."They hushed when he passes like an angel of God,"(63) here general Lee is being presented to be a guardian sent by God to protect and guide the Union army to victory and everyone showed respect for him. No one questioned his authority, everyone did as they were told when Lee gave orders and made sure to do it

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