
The Kingdom Of Matthias Summary

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Ryah Clark Professor Wesley HIST 2010 69 21 November 2014 TITLE In the book, The Kingdom of Matthias: A Story of Sex and Salvation in the 19th Century America, Paul Johnson and Sean Wilentz wrote a religious narrative about the story of Robert Matthews and Elijah Pierson, the Calvinist New York men. The book starts off telling the story of Elijah Pierson, a man who came from a wealthy family in New Jersey, but when he gets in his twenties he has moved from New Jersey and became a successful businessman in New York. Just like other young men that came to New York he quickly became involved in the many diverse cultures that were there. Throughout all of the events and gathering that Pierson went to he found a great woman, Sarah. Sarah was absolutely …show more content…

Eventually, Sarah literally worked herself to death. This caused Pierson’s attempted to raise her from the dead at her funeral, but he failed miserably. After that happened, no one wanted to talk to Pierson until Matthews came along. After Pierson met Matthews he later changed his name to Prophet Elijah of Tishbe. Robert Matthews, like Pierson, was brought up in a very strict Calvinist family. His family died when he was at a young age causing many problem with him. He decided that he had enough of the same lifestyle and decided to move to Manhattan and start life over as a carpenter with his family. This did not work out as planned because he suddenly became violent beating women. He moved back to the north, but after the war, he decided that he would move back to Manhattan. This didn’t turn out like he expected. There were two major problems when he came back to Manhattan. One of the problems was the death of his son and the other was that there were no construction jobs. Soon after this he …show more content…

Market revolution played a big role during this time. When Matthias built that kingdom on the property of Ben Folger that was his attempt to cancel out the Market Revolution because he believes that it is what destroyed his life. “In the Kingdom of Matthias there would be no market, no money, no buying or selling, no wage system with its insidious domination of one father over another, no economic oppression of any kind.” (Johnson and Wilentz) The authors put this quote in here because of the attempt to remove the market revolution. Slavery played some part in this book when Isabella Van Wagenen, who we later found out was Sojourner

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