
The Kite Runner

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The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is a beautifully crafted story about a young boy and his challenges growing up. Its a story about love and loss, friendship and betrayal, brotherhood and fatherhood, and a life long fight for redemption. The Kite Runner was incredibly moving and thrilling, and had me constantly on my toes wondering what was going to happen next. It is an emotionally haunting novel that gets you completely invested in the plot and characters. As well as having a fantastic story line, it also gave great insight into the life of Afghans over the past 20 years. It was an excellent portrayal of the reality that so many people have had to face with their country falling apart. This story starts with a boy named Amir and his …show more content…

Amir was determined to win one year because he thought it would finally give him the affection from his father that he desired. He won the competition, but that wasn’t enough for him, he also wanted to get the kite of the person who lost to him. For him that kite symbolized the victory and worthiness that he yearned for. He asked Hassan to go out and get the kite for him, and because of Hassan's loyalty, he was determined to do so. While Hassan was trying to get the kite, an appalling thing happened to him that Amir witnessed and did nothing to prevent. It was a horrible act of betrayal, and from that day on he was overwhelmed with guilt. He was so ashamed that he didn’t help Hassan, partly because he was afraid, and partly because of the jealousy he had always felt towards him. In a way it was like he let it happen to him because he had always felt so jealous. Amir's recognition of this drove him nearly insane, and permanently shaped the rest of his life. He felt so much shame that he drove Hassan and his father out of the house because he thought that if he didn’t have to see him he'd feel less guilty. However, pushing them out only made him more remorseful. His feeling of guilt and motive for redemption was on of the main themes in the story. Amir went through the rest of his life feeling like he was a bad person, and so deeply regretting his actions towards his

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