
The Lady And The Tiger Essay

Decent Essays

The Lady and the Tiger Script The princess loved greatly by her father, the king, is watching her lover on trial for having an affair with her. Her lover, a young man, is awaiting his fate, either marriage or death. An onlooking noble, who is in the king’s court, saves the princess. [Scene One] Int. The King’s Arena, Day As the young man walked to the door on the right, not a sound could be heard except his footsteps echoing throughout the arena. As he opened the iron door, every breath was held as the tiger leaped out. The tiger circled around the young man and the princess started to doubt her decision. PRINCESS: (quickly gets up and slips into the arena) YOUNG MAN: (turns around and sees princess) (to the princess) Go back! NARRATOR: …show more content…

They both had fallen in love. Their relationship was not known by anyone and had to be kept a secret. On the other hand, the king, still angered at the thought of his own daughter acting out of line at the arena, decided to give her a punishment. The king knew that this decision won’t please her, but either way, she won’t have a say in this. Now, as the princess was summoned by her father, she knew something wasn’t right and felt jittery. It was awfully quiet, and the atmosphere was very tense. However, she tried preparing herself for whatever would come her way because it wasn’t going to be very good. PRINCESS: Hello father, you called me? KING: Yes, have a seat, for I have I have arranged for you to be engaged with someone. Now I know you may not be pleased with this decision, but you do not have a choice because it is for the good of the kingdom. NARRATOR: [The princess felt a very wide range of emotions, at that very moment. She was confused but at the same time understood why her father did this. She was also very angry, but right now, the biggest concern she had was how she would tell the noble. However, she didn’t have to think about this for very long. The noble had heard the entire conversation then quietly slips into the

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