
The Landlocked Country Of Bolivia

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Bolivia is a landlocked country consisting of a large number of indigenous people. It is the most isolated nation in the South America. The country achieved its independence from the Spanish in 1825.Bolivia has natural gas reserves which have caused tensions due to their overexploitation and exportation. It is one of the largest cocoa producers in the world ("Bolivia country profile - BBC News", 2017). Many Bolivian farmers depend on coca as their source of income. Coca is a raw material used in the production of cocaine. The country has faced various problems that have affected the economy of the country such as illegal drug production, high rates of poverty and social unrest. President Evo Morales won the elections held in 2005 under the Movement Toward Socialism who was later re-elected in 2009 and 2014 ("Bolivia country profile - BBC News", 2017).
Uganda is a lack locked country that gained its independence from Britain in 1962. It is located in east-central Africa, west of Kenya and east of the democratic republic of Congo and is headed by the President Yoweri Museveni ("The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency", 2017). The country has encountered several challenges such as the military coup and brutal military dictatorship. The country is highly praised for its fight against HIV/AIDS. However, it is also well known for its strict stance against the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community (LGBT) ("The World Factbook — Central Intelligence

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