
The Language Of Bees

Satisfactory Essays

The Language of the Bees
Language is the art of putting letters together to create words, then words to create sentences, and then sentences to create ideas and thoughts. A person’s identity is distinguished by language. The way an individual speaks relates to their roots and culture. Language differentiates people from one another. However, language acts as a fundamental base in bridging the gap between completely diverse societies. Little Bee by Chris Cleave tells the story of two unlikely worlds colliding. After being released from a detention center in London, Little Bee, a Nicaraguan runaway finds refuge and comfort in a couple that she has not seen in two years. Little Bee navigates her way to the home of a young, suburban family consisting of a widow, Sarah, and her four-year-old son, Charlie. Both characters are stricken with grief and face grave situations regarding their futures. As the story progresses, the troubling history of Sarah and Little Bee unfolds. Although connected by a gruesome past, Little Bee and Sarah, with some help from Charlie, make positive impacts on each other’s lives and lead one another to a sense of closure. The journey of their lives is intensified by the spoken and unspoken languages shared between the characters and reader. Through Little Bee, Sarah, and Charlie, different aspects of language are analyzed and given more meaning than what meets the eye. Cleave uses the art of language to outline survival, empowerment, social classes and,

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