
The Last Supper Analysis

Decent Essays

Throughout the course of the last couple of weeks, we were assigned a finite list of readings that enveloped in us writing responses to said readings, along with the occasional showing of periodic movies that encompassed what we had learned in Latin America. These readings and movies helped shed light on problems ravaging the newly found colonies for instance; in “Camila”, the main protagonist was Camila who lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina in the 19th century when Rosas was governor and a very prominent Caudillo. She fell in love with a pastor and they eloped, prompting Rosas and Camila’s father, Adolfo, to hunt them down and ultimately execute them for disobeying, even though Camila was 8 months pregnant. In “The Last Supper”, the story took …show more content…

These readings and movies helped shed light on problems ravaging the newly found colonies for instance; in “Camila”, the main protagonist was Camila who lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina in the 19th century when Rosas was governor and a very prominent Caudillo. She fell in love with a pastor and they eloped, prompting Rosas and Camila’s father, Adolfo, to hunt them down and ultimately execute them for disobeying, even though Camila was 8 months pregnant. In “The Last Supper”, the story took place in Cuba where the slaves held captive by the slave owners and church reject the catholic doctrine. They were not allowed to attend the Sabbath as they must be worked constantly, but this changes as the count picks 12 slaves to have dinner with, dubbed “The Last Supper”. During this dinner, the count notices how distinct each slave is from one another, they’re usually counted just like livestock, but he begins to understand them. After this, the slaves revolted but where hunted down like animals. Power relations and inequality are closely related in Latin America, as generally one group holds most of the power and exerts it upon the general population. As power generally gravitates towards those who are rich, free, white and male, which are part of the minority. Those left out are part of the majority, and considered

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