
The Lawrence Exeter Family

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Lawrence Exeter was a doctor, as was his father before him, earning the Exeter family a hefty sum of money. They were one of the richest families in Hollywood, very well respected. However, their family wasn’t perfect, and held many unknowns. The lives of Lawrence Exeter Sr and Lawrence Exeter Jr were thought to be well known. Then why, when observing and old check book and close friends, does it appear to be much more complicated; with a mysterious, secret mother, a hidden courtship, and sabotaged marriage papers?
On September 2nd, 1903, Lawrence Exeter Jr. is born at the Hollywood Hospital, his father becoming Lawrence Exeter Sr. He still has to wait until October to go home.
The mother of Lawrence Jr, Miss Wendy, did not want to have a …show more content…

On May 30, 1930, Lawrence proposes to Flossie, and they get married on the 14th of November. To keep his new family out of debt, Lawrence Jr payed his wife in multiple large checks to pay for her college debt and the price of their rather expensive wedding.
A miswritten paper for their official marriage caused them to have to go to court less than a year later, on June 20, to get the problem fixed. Sadly the problem ran deeper, as it appeared that someone ruined a certain part of the paper on purpose, and to get it replaced cost quite a bit of money.
After some brief examination of the situation, the police decide that somebody definitely sabotaged the papers. They launched a secret investigation, and determined that a relative of Wendy’s acted on her behalf, with the sole goal of “ruining that vile boy’s life!”.
In July, life appeared to be looking up again with three business deals, earning Lawrence a secure income for many years to

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