Memorandum Lang Peng 4167 Part I: After interviewing with the lawyer who works on commercial and corporate area about some relevant areas that have been taught in class, he answered as follows: • What do the commercial lawyers do? He answered that they usually deal with cases involving disputes concerning contracts and financial transactions, and assist clients in a large amount of general corporate matters and in the financial investments. For instances, how to form a company, how to select corporate structure, and figure out how to get access to potential transactions. Besides, they cope with issues relating to commercial paper, secured financing, and Uniform Commercial Code matters. • Where do they practice? He answered that they generally work in different size of firms of, and in-house legal department, some of them work in government entities. Others may work in public interest organizations, private industry and private association, or doing legal aid. It really depends upon personal preferences. • What are the skills needed to succeed? He listed many abilities, like intellectual curiosity and capacity, psychological skills, strong analytical skills, strong organizational skills, strong interpersonal skills, counseling skills, strong writing skills, strong research skills, attention to detail, ability to handle complex issues, creativity, adaptability, confidence, excellent judgment, strong business sense and ability to understand client’s business,
They regularly assigned tasks previously reserved for attorneys. It is important to note that the paralegal is essentially giving the attorney a draft to work from and all work completed by the paralegal must be approved by the attorney. But by utilizing a paralegal, the attorney frees them up to conduct more critical thinking regarding the case and does not overburden them with document creation, research, and gathering documents. Paralegals responsibilities have increased vastly over the years, but so has their expertise in legal
A director’s primary duty is to the company, while a lawyer’s primary duty is to the court, with a very close secondary duty to the client. Shareholders may place pressures to learn about client matters in order to make investment decisions, which makes confidential client information vulnerable to disclosure to non-legal branches of the entity . Hence, there needs to infrastructure put in place to ensure that client information received in the course of providing legal services are not disclosed to the non-lawyer owners of the ABS.
Legal Executives work in Solicitors offices often doing many of the things that the Solicitors have to do one of the things that they may have to do is take instructions from the clients and prepare witnesses statements for the court day. They may attend the court however they don’t have the rights of advocacy in the same way as Solicitors but they have some rights in the lower courts. After being a Legal Executives for five years then they can become
The main responsibility for these types of lawyers is to defend their client, prove their innocence, and in some case negotiate a lesser charge or sentence for their
Real estate lawyers who specialize in the commercial field have a much different role than their counterparts in the residential area. While both types of practitioners are concerned with transactions involving real property, the scope and complexity of those transactions vary significantly.
The lawyer is the lead in the legal team and has passed the bar examination and have a license to practice law in their respective state(s). In larger firms, the lawyers can be assigned as partners and associates. The partner has actual ownership in the firm whereas the associate are usually on salary as an employee, not being an owner in the firm. The supervising attorney in a large firm is responsible for the actions and work of the lawyers under him/her. The paralegal is responsible for the litigation process. Some of the responsibilities of the paralegal are preparing casework, investigations, preparing briefings, conducting
A lawyer spends most of their time researching laws and precedents, as well as interviewing clients. Lawyers daily take depositions, research, and write briefs. They also interview clients and prepare for trial (Neary).
What abilities, skills, and personality traits are required for you to be successful in your field?
As a lawyer it is your job to prepare and file legal documents, represent your client in court, and provide legal advice. Once you become a lawyer you may specialize in family law, criminal law, real estate, immigration law, environmental law, international law, civil law, or intellectual property. A lawyer can also practice in the areas of marriage and divorce law, corporate law, taxes, litigation and more. One duty of a lawyer would be to gather evidence from a case to form a defense for your client, or to initiate a legal action. This would include interviewing your clients and witnesses for facts for the case. Another duty is to draft and prepare legal documents for a case. These documents include pleadings, deeds, mortgages, wills,
Our lawyers help in the interpretation of contracts, provide legal advisory, and also ensures that the wages owed the complainant is fully played.
Saves Time- For a first-time business owner, or even for an experienced entrepreneur, you already have a lot on your plate with trying to run a successful business—so becoming a lawyer overnight isn’t going to be a walk in the park. Trying to learn how to read and write legal documents and contracts, on top of learning the laws and policies you must follow, is going to consume a lot of your time. All areas of law have their difficulties, so trying to master a difficult field without professional help can lead to making mistakes, and these legal errors can potentially set you back and prove to be very inconvenient. An experienced attorney has spent years learning their trade and don’t have to bother with google or trying to decipher legalese phrases. Hiring experienced legal counsel can help save a client a lot of time by completing legal tasks
They deal with proposed settlement agreements.This must be compared to the best judgment about the outcome after trial. Crime lawyers will usually discuss potential about plea bargaining with the prosecuting attorney. They use this as an alternative to exercising the defendant's trial right and other rights.
According to Lena, the skills and abilities that are needed to succeed in the job are to have a desire to improve and to grow, to work well with others and to be motivated. The company is always looking for ways to improve and learn new skills. It is open to providing training and workshops to share our findings with employees so that the business can continue to increase profit. For this company an ideal employee would be to have qualities such as hard working, reliable, honest and motivated. I agree because success is not easy to come by, it involves hard work and diligence. There are times that you must take chances with a business. She said that not all of your ideas will work out they way you want them to, but it is important to be able to capitalize on things that work and be able to bounce back and fix things that
Lawyer is a person whose profession is to represent clients in a court of law or to advise or act for clients in other legal matters. Lawyers serve as both advocates and advisers. As advocates, they speak for their clients in court by presenting supportive evidence. As advisers, they counsel their clients on their legal rights and obligations. Lawyers, also called attorneys and counselors, can interpret laws and apply laws to specific situations, and draft new laws. Much of their work involves researching precedents, which are earlier interpretations of laws and the history of judicial decisions based on that law. Lawyers use precedents to support their cases in court. Many resources from law libraries and public documents to computer
Paralegals may not be the head honcho in the courtroom before a judge and jury. The behind the scene work that a paralegal performs is crucial to a lawyer. Looking at all the tasks that paralegals are responsible for doing, people will definitely realize that paralegals are important to the legal process, almost to the same degree of the work that the attorney is doing. Paralegals do almost everything that lawyers do, except give legal advice or present cases in court. Most of the work paralegals do is behind-the-scenes, which is why they rarely get the praise that the lawyer does.