
The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen

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Movies that feature characters adapted from novels often change personality traits in order to suit the film’s plot. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is no exception; Mina Harker and the Invisible Man had drastic changes made to their personality in order to better suit the storyline. Both of them were given traits that starkly contradict their book personas to create more flawed and realistic characters.
The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells features Griffin, a scientist who has discovered how to turn himself and other things invisible. The story follows the undoing of Griffin and his fall into notoriety. Wilhelmina “Mina” Harker is the opposite of Griffin. In Dracula by Bram Stoker she is the dutiful wife to Jonathan Harker, who has …show more content…

This can be attributed to the fact that Rodney Skinner is not the original Invisible Man. Skinner is a petty thief who stole the formula for invisibility and used it on himself. The biggest difference between Griffin and Skinner is their response to setbacks. In The Invisible Man Griffin has a terrible temper. When things don’t go his way he lashes out or injures those who try to stop him. Skinner, on the other hand, has a very calm demeanor. After finding out that the League had been betrayed he didn’t lash out; in fact he took that as an opportunity to prove himself as useful to the team. This difference is caused by Griffin and Skinner’s motivations. At first Skinner used his invisibility as a way to become a better thief. Despite his primary intentions, Skinner began to use his invisibility for the greater good. Griffin however, wanted to use invisibility to gain recognition. It was ironic how he turned himself invisible so people would begin to notice him.
Griffin’s selfish behavior is made clear throughout The Invisible Man, especially towards the end. Griffin uses a man named Mr. Marvel as a pawn and puts the old man in danger in order to protect himself. We also find out that his selfish behavior started long before he became invisible. We see Griffin tell Kemp about how he stole money from his father to further his scientific investigations. This is opposite to Skinner’s self-sacrificing behavior in the

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