
The Learning Of Mathematics And Mathematics

Decent Essays

Overview In 21st century classrooms, an educators teaching practice is vital in developing student’s mathematical knowledge. A constructivist approach is required to allow students to use their prior knowledge to make sense of new information through hands-on activities. To effectively equip students with the necessary skills to see connections in mathematic concepts, Big Ideas must be employed by educators. The Australian Curriculum supports the use of Big Ideas to deepen students understanding of mathematical content. Students learn effectively when they can see connections between concepts. The most effective way to link an array of mathematical concepts is through Big Ideas. A Big Idea is defined as a “statement of an idea that is central to the learning of mathematics, one that links numerous mathematical understandings into a coherent whole” (Charles 2005). Big Ideas are broken down into several elements. These are the name of the Big Idea, the idea central to the learning of mathematics and the links to several mathematical understandings. Students need to learn the mathematical understandings to allow them to understand the Big Idea (Charles, 2005). Big Ideas are important as they should be the basis for student learning, the teaching pedagogy for educators and encompass the Mathematics curriculum. Hiebert et al. (as cited in Charles, 2005) agrees and explains that individuals understand concepts if they can see a link to other things they know, which is the

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