
The Legacy Of John F Kennedy

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The Democrat that stood with his hand on the living holy scripture would not only be known as the youngest man to enter the sacred halls of the White House, but also as the one that entrusted his heart and soul for the love of his nation. John Fitzgerald Kennedy recited what seemed like ancient words bound within the inaugural speech with more than a noticeable Boston pronunciation. The unforeseen knowledge that this young senator would be the victim of a deadly attack left the world innocent. This decorated Navy officer would be forever honored in the memories of the Americans. The 35th President of the United States was only granted a little more than two years to reconfigure the government, deal with foreign policy, and ignite …show more content…

In light of this Kennedy, who had colossal damage inflicted, successfully guided the other crew members across the hazardous sea back to the protection of land.

Roughly a decade after this extravagant act of heroism, Kennedy debated the next step in his life. In other words, he entered the world of politics where he scaled to great heights. It is easy to see why Kennedy gained the 1960 Democrat nomination for the presidential race In this situation, he politely requested the Texas senator at the time Lyndon B. Johnson to accompany him on the podium. Together, the duo closed rank on Richard Nixon; John F. Kennedy won the ticket to the oval office. A mass of twenty thousand people hiked through the heavy snow and frosty wind to get a glimpse of this beloved new President sworn into the system by Chief Justice Earl Warren(O 'Reilly and Dugard 8).

Above all, the Commander in Chief swore to provide the best efforts to steer America on the path to glory. Specifically, Kennedy tried to get a handle on certain aspects that corrupted the nation from inside their boundaries. Particularly he dabbled in several projects that would help strength the will of the people. With this intention, Kennedy worked tirelessly on bringing civil rights back on track in America. The war on racism raged on as President as well as other civil rights leaders ' propaganda a new decree to the acting congress."One hundred years of delay have passed since President

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