
The Rhetorical Analysis Of John F. Kennedy

Decent Essays

On January 20, 1961, John Fitzgerald Kennedy became the youngest man to possess presidency in the United States of America. As a young, wealthy man Kennedy rapidly climbed the political ladder by initially representing a working class Boston district in the United States Congress, then continuing on to the House of Representatives, followed by the United States Senate, and ending with the victorious defeat of his presidential opponent, to become the 35th president of the United States. According to, Kennedy was so admired by the public, that “in the eyes of the world, this reticent man became a charismatic leader who, in his life and in his death, served as a symbol of purpose and hope.” As a result of John F. Kennedy’s …show more content…

.Finally, Kennedy added liability to his concept by concluding his speech with the key to unity. He proposed that if citizens base their lives upon “ask not what America would do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.”, they would successfully achieve unity. Continuing with his use of pathos, and the previously established ethos, Kennedy successfully created the last literary device: logos.

Unlike Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961, Eleanor Clift’s, Inside Kennedy’s Inauguration, 50 Years On, used only pathos and personal accounts from citizens to narrate their similar overall style of unity persuasion. Clift added personal accounts such as one from Richard Goodwin stating, “Dick, did you see the Coast Guard contingent in the parade? There was not a single black face in that delegation, and I want you to do something about it right away.”, to emphasize Goodwins trust in Kennedy to unify races. This statement, concluded that the author had faith in Kennedy, and was persuading her audience to do so too. Pathos was also utilized briefly throughout the dialogue between Rep. Charles Buckley and Seigenthaler that articulates ”What’s the

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