
Essay on The Legacy of President Ronald Reagan

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During the 1980s, the legacy of Ronald Reagan was reflected upon the Iran-Contra affair, the fall of communism, and the impact of illegal drugs. The Iran-Contra affair jeopardized the very legacy of the president. Reagan was appraised for and credited for the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the global threat of communism. Another form of threat to the legacy of Reagan and his administration was the threat of illegal drugs in the United States. Thus proving how much the 1980s was an era of both turmoil and triumph that could have affected the outcome of the president's legacy. A situation known as the Iran-Contra Affair arose, which altered his legacy and the public opinion which casted a shadow over Ronald Reagan's presidency. …show more content…

Soon the "Arms for Hostages" divided the Reagan administration, although the plan went into effect as Reagan supported the plan. After the sale of over 1,500 missiles went to the Iranian government, only three hostages were released from Lebanon and soon three more were put into the same place was the previous hostages (PBS). Soon after the Lebanese newspaper released the news of the affair to the public in 1986, fourteen members of the Reagan administration were tried and eleven were arrested(PBS). The aftermath of the affair resulted in the constant news hounding from the press and then Reagan was deemed innocent as no evidence was found that linked him to the affair. As a result, Reagan's image suffered and he lost some public support. Reagan's legacy is credited with the fall of communism and the fall of Soviet Union. When Reagan was elected president in 1980 beating out former president Carter by a vast number of votes. While Congress called for a dramatic decline in the defense budget, Reagan wanted to the complete opposite and increased military spending to challenge to the "Evil Empire" known as the Soviet Union. He spent his time researching the "Star Wars" theory which was deemed to intercept Soviet Missiles and destroy them using lasers shot from satellites in space(Barron's Book). Also Reagan initiated the program known as the MX

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