
The Legacy of Ronald Reagan: The Fortieth President of the United States

Decent Essays

The fortieth elected president of the United States is none other than the great Ronald Reagan. Reagan left a legacy behind him and still to this day is considered one of the best presidents to serve our nation . Throughout Reagan's life he accomplished many great feats such as being a two-term president, film and television actor, radio announcer, and the governor of California Ronald Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois to Jack and Nelle Reagan on February 6, 1911. Reagan’s father was a salesman and storyteller while his mother was very involved with the church. Reagan's’ father nicknamed him “Dutch” due to his fat little dutch boy appearance. Reagan and his only sibling, Neil, grew up together living in different cities around …show more content…

Reagan’s experience with communism and the Black List during his acting career changed his political views from liberal to conservative. He ran for the Governor of California and was elected becoming the 33rd Governor. Reagan decided to run for the 1980 Presidential campaign against President Jimmy Carter. Reagan won the campaign with 489 electoral votes and choose George Bush as his running mate. Reagan addressed the rising economic issues in his inaugural speech saying, "In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem." After 69 days of office Reagan was shot by an attempt of assassination he soon recovered though and was quickly back in office. The near death experience only increased the president's popularity and made Reagan more determined than ever. Due to this increased popularity it allowed Reagan and Bush to be re-elected for a second term in 1984 by an unprecedented amount of electoral votes. Throughout Reagan’s eight years of presidency he had some traumatic events unfold. One very big moment for Reagan was the release of the 53 Americans that had been held hostage in Iran. On the issue of Communism and the Cold War Reagan once said, "Our strategy is defensive; our aim is to protect the peace by ensuring that no adversaries ever conclude they could

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