
The Legality Of Intervention During The Middle East

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The Legality of Intervention in Syria and Iraq Through observation of conflicts in the Middle East during recent times, the spread and viciousness of ISIS/ISIL is alarming. With widespread atrocities committed and championed by the faction, it is obvious that action must be taken in some form. With over 62 countries taking part in air strikes and supplying other military aid, including the United States, France and Canada, action is already underway. Yet, the question of legality still remains. While every participating country has found a way to legitimize its campaign, there are two sides to every legal battle. What follows is an in-depth look into both arguments, analyzing key points both for and against intervention in the Middle East in regards to ISIS/ISIL. These points include, but are not limited to, United Nation Charters, collective and individual self-defense, and the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force First and foremost, the United Nations charter must be observed and dissected, as it provides the pillars that support international law and are relevant especially where self-defense and use of force are concerned. Strictly speaking, ISIS is part of Iraqi and Syrian territory. In chapter 1, article 2 of the United Nations charter, it prohibits member nations from “the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state”(i). In the international community ISIS is in no way considered an independent state

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