
The Legalization Of The Gambling Industry

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The gambling industry is growing rapidly in the United States as gambling has become increasingly more socially acceptable than it has been in the past. Many state governments, such as Nevada, have encouraged gambling as a key source of revenue, even more so after the recession we suffered in the late 2000s. Casino hotels, which account for the majority of industry revenue, have generally become larger in markets like Las Vegas, many generating annual revenue of about $500 million, according to the UNLV Center for Gaming Research. (Gambling, 2015) This has increased the traveling to many of these destinations such as Las Vegas and Atlantic City in New Jersey. US tourism spending on traveler accommodations, an indicator for casino hotel …show more content…

Mental problems and human-relation problems are also the effects caused by addiction to gambling individually.
Gamblers usually face the problem of losing the games (losing money), which will makes them stressed, depressed even brings them mental illness. Under this situation, they will be emotional and easily irritated even lead to family violence. As described by the online site, relationship between the gamblers’ family will be disintegrated easily because the connections between parents and children cracked down. Gamblers abort their parenting responsibilities. Even peers and relatives would try to avoid borrowings from gamblers. So addition to gambling brings negative effects to both mental health and family relation.
Addition to gambling brings several problems. Such as increasing illegal activities, people committing suicide, society become less competitive, mental and human relation problems.

Since most casino games, such as slots and video poker, are video games that are computerized. For this reason, the development of new games and formats is easy. Manufactures, such as Bally’s Technologies, introduce many new models each and every year and often hire video game designers from the video game industry. However, many of the new games that are released every year are just upgraded cosmetic variations on already existing games. There are also a few new games being introduced into the market. Many times, proceeds from

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