
The Legend Of Hunters In The Forest Short Story

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In a forest, in western Virginia, there was a team of hunter. The team consisted of 2 guys and 2 girls. The team gathered around a fire. One of them, Smith, tells them a legend. The legend says that in a forest in western Virginia a man and his daughter were on a trip of 10 days. The first five days went well then when this sixth day arrived something happened. The man lost his daughter he didn’t know where she was. Two days past and he still didn’t find her. The last day he found her. She was hovering above a lake immobile. He said Ariana are you there. She responded I’m not Ariana. After Smith finished telling the story they all went to sleep in two tents. In the first tent were Smith and Katy, in the second tent were Jake and Scarlet. They

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