
Essay on The Life and Theories of Charles Darwin

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The Life and Theories of Charles Darwin

Charles Robert Darwin was the fifth child of Robert Waring Darwin and Susannah Wedgewood. He was born on February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury,
England where his father practiced medicine. He attended Shrewsbury
Grammar School which was a well-kn own secondary school which concentrated on teaching classic languages. Even as a boy Darwin loved science and his enthusiasm for chemical studies earned him the name "Gas" from his friends.
The headmaster at Shrewsbury, Dr. Samuel Butler noted, "Here's a boy, plays around with his gases and the rest of his rubbish and works at nothing useful." He was also an avid collector. Anything he could get his hands on- shells, eggs, minerals and …show more content…

On Henslow's recommendation, Darwin was chosen to serve as naturalist for the exploration. The Beagle set sail from Devonport on
December 27, 1831 and returned on October 2, 1836. Throughout the journey,
Darwin shipped back to England crate loads of tropical plants, insects, flowers, spiders, s hells and fossil animals. He was very popular with the crew and was given the name "Fly Catcher."

During the five year journey, he was exposed to different species of birds, insects and reptiles. He noted that in the different environments that he visited changes occurred in the same species that helped them to adapt to their surrounding s. It was as a result of these observations and observations of other naturalists and geologists that
Darwin began to formulate his theory of evolution known as "Natural
Selection." Darwin had left England as a youthful collector and returned as a dedicated naturalist. Before the journey, he believed like Henslow, that the history of the earth was short and whatever changes occurred were the result of vast catastrophes. By his return, he was convinced that the earth was extremely old and its evolution was the result of many small changes. Natural Selection, proposed by Darwin, is the most widely accepted theory on evolution today. The theory is based upon five basic principles.
The first states that organisms

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