
The Life of a Christian Essay

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In life we want to be the best, have the best of everything, and be surrounded by only the best people that can help us to achieve our desired goals. But as a Christian it takes more than just wanting the best, you have to put forward the effort, and follow the path that God has set forth. But unfortunately when you are a Christian, some things will get in your way, your faith can become tested, and your decision making can become clouded. But you probably ask your self why? You have love for your fellow Christians and have helped those that were less fortunate than you. So why are you the one that seems to keep struggling? When you are a Christian these things won’t last always, just look to the Father and He will direct your path. …show more content…

(Gowdy, 2009-2010). But in life you have to make a moral decision about your self, and the world we live in. Ones character can say a lot about the person that he or she is. No two people are alike, there are those that think of no one but themselves, and will do anything to get the desired results. Their morals are tainted and they have no desire to change. I think Tyler Perry said it best” people are like trees, some have roots, some have branches, and some have leaves”. When you meet people they usually try to show you their best side. As long as you are the life of the party they will be like a leaf and hang there with you, those people are there only for what you have to offer them. When trouble comes your way and you need a helping hand, those that were willing to party with you become a branch and break and show their weak side. They were there just to take up space and never bring anything more into the relationship. But when you meet people that are willing to work along side you, they are the ones with morals and have more to offer you. They are your roots, and even though their numbers may be small, they will give you strength in times of sorrow, encouragement when your day seems to never bring sunlight, they will be your backbone in times of

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