
The Limitations Of Science On Human Health

Decent Essays

The Limitations Imposed on Scientific Findings by God Society today greatly influenced by scientific research, not limited only to advances in technology, but also in our worldview. The assumptions of science often regarded highly by scientists themselves and the public, but there are limitations of science not always appreciated. Therefore, to evaluate the impact of science on human health, well-being, and its effect on our worldview it is important to consider these limitations. Especially when the conclusions of science may contradict religious beliefs, and its effect on our worldview
First major limitation of science, it is not a religion and cannot answer religious questions, there forth, it cannot come to religious conclusions. Despite this fact, sometimes the scientific environment comes to assumptions that contradict the literal knowledge of the Bible. However, this is not surprising and neither does it show that the Bible is inaccurate. Religion and Science operates differently, therefore, they often disagree. In addition, there are limitations in the scientific methods that often not necessarily appreciated by the apologists of science nor the public. Religious and scientific conclusions may differ for the numerous reasons: subject matter difference for science and Religion. A religion major concern lies with ultimate truth and meaning, however, science is concerned with truth regarding the material world with focus on current evidence. However, there

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