
The Little Book Of Plagiarism Analysis

Decent Essays

The Little Book of Plagiarism written by Richard Posner uncovers the scope of what plagiarism is within different aspects of society. Kaavya Viswanathan signed a two-book contract with Little, Brown at age 17-years-old. Her first book, “How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got a Life,” was published in April 2006. Her sophomore year at Harvard University, the Harvard Crimson discovered that her book had reproduced almost exact passages from novel by an established author, Megan McCafferty. A company of book packaging had helped Viswanathan to conceptualize and plot her book, but there was no indication that the company shared responsibility for her plagiarisms. In their findings, they confirmed there was 13 plagiarized passages that were …show more content…

He notes that Kaavya aspired to become a best-selling author as a Harvard graduate herself, but in order to get to that hierarchy, she plagiarized the work of others. Richard Posner defines plagiarism as hard to define. He says that the dictionary defines it as “literary theft,” but “there can plagiarism of music, pictures, or ideas, not just literature.” He notes that there is a line drawn between idea and expression. Many people have the same idea, but it is the way in which they choose to express their ideas is the clear line of plagiarism. Plagiarism is a tricky concept to conceptualize, but the fun of plagiarism is that public render comes hand in hand with it. Public opinions are quick to attack others that have similar ideas and writing habits, that literature plagiarism is decided on the successfulness of the writer. For example, the more successful the writer, the less society criticizes or notices the plagiarism present. Posner mentions that there is a shortage of originality in writing, and in music, art, and other creative entities of our society. Society tends to strive off others idea and that is where the next idea is grown off of. I think that the article is insightful, especially for our class because we have discussed many cases of fake news, fabrication, and originality, which all lies in the works of plagiarism. Our inconsistency in originality is driving the

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