
The Locket

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The Locket by Kate Chopin is a short story that is about love, war, sadness and surprise. The Story can be very surprising to the reader if certain clues were not picked up on while reading. The Locket is a story about a young couple Edmond and Octavie, while Edmond is fighting a war; he wears a locket given to him by Octavie. The author Kate Chopin tells the story that makes the reader to believe the Edmond has died at war and the locket has made its way back to his love Octavie. The conclusion of the locket is very surprising and leaves many questions such as what happened to Edmond during the battle, how Octaive was handling the loss of her love and who was the man who died at battle with the locket on his neck. What we know about Edmond is that he is at war and with the company of 4 other soldiers. The story shows a conversation he is having with the other soldiers as they are asking him about the locket. The story goes into details about Edmonds dreams of his love Octavie. What is also mentioned is Edmonds dream of a snake around his neck which might be symbolic for the locket missing. The reader of the story later finds out Edmond was in the battle and believes he lost the locket during that battle. This was a surprise as Octavie …show more content…

She was not handling it well and was even told to remove her veil by Edmonds father , Judge Pillier as it was a nice day outside. In the story Octavie even decides to be like her aunt and live with sadness for the rest of her life. It is very surprising her neighbor is also the judge in the story and Edmonds father. It is hard to know for sure if Edmonds father knows he is going to surprise Octavie with Edmonds appearance or if he is surprised as well. The story takes a surprising turn when she comes to find out Edmond is alive. This is a happy moment for Octavie she once again feels alive and is so grateful and happy to have been reunited with her beloved

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