
The Lottery Shirley Jackson

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In Shirley Jackson’s short story “The Lottery” it is unique how little details all relate back to the theme of the story. The setting, and the way that Jackson describes it in great detail, helps to add not only a major shock at the end of the story, but also how the setting shapes the theme. Also, the personality and names of some of the characters can help foreshadow an eerie ending to the story. Lastly, the symbols that Jackson uses play possibly the greatest part in creating the theme of the story. The setting, characters, and symbols used by Jackson conveys how dangerous it could be to mindlessly follow tradition. The way that Jackson begins the story and describes the setting creates the shocking ending that this story has. Jackson …show more content…

Jackson creates her characters to help go along with the main theme. Almost all of the villagers are blind to the tradition that they are following, but the main characters that portray this are Tessie Hutchinson, Old Man Warner, and Bill Hutchinson. Jackson sets Tessie apart from the rest of the characters as one that is a free thinker. Jackson shows this by having Tessie arrive late to the lottery, which is one thing that is looked down upon, and could possibly make her seem as a threat to the rest of the villagers. With Tessie being a “free thinker” she is the only one to protest that the lottery is not fair when her name is drawn. Tessie may be the only character that comes to the realization that this tradition is not just. Old Man Warner, on the other hand, is completely blind to the tradition, and he wants to keep the tradition as is. The other towns and villagers that have done away with this lottery, in Old Man Warner’s eyes are a “pack of crazy fools” (460). Old Man Warner is so blind to this tradition that he believes that the lottery helps to keep society strong. Other than Old Man Warner, Bill Hutchinson, Tessie’s husband, is another man that is completely blind to this tradition. Bill makes it well aware to all of the villagers that Tessie has pulled the marked paper, and tells Tessie to be quite when she complains that the lottery is unfair.

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