
The Lovely Bones Character Analysis

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Imagine having a perfect family a wife and three kids also after a short 13 years having your eldest child viciously torn away from you, in the story the lovely bones this is exactly what happened to Jack salmon. Jack is having to deal with the trauma of losing his firstborn child on top of trying to keep a grasp on his wife. With Jack's wife running off to California and his daughters offender on the loose, Jack struggles with keeping a steady head. Jack copes with this trauma by seeking revenge to the culprit Mr. Harvey. Jack takes time to move past this in his life but soon learns to hold his family closer than ever before. We can all learn from what Sebold illustrates to us in jack's character about dealing with trauma. A picture perfect family a husband an a wife with two girls and one boy. They lived in the suburbs of Pennsylvania where the people were friendly. Anyone could see Jack's and Susie's bond, they bonded over many things but the biggest had to be building the boats in the bottle. All the kids were supposed to grow up in the same neighborhood going to the same school and live the same life but all that changed when Susie never came home after school. What happen in the cornfield disrupted everyone's way of life, nothing would ever be the same.
Jack had found a new passion passion for revenge and greed. Jack had known from early on …show more content…

Some of these may be healthy and some may be unhealthy, which clearly for the most part Jack Salmon’s way was unhealthy. However, right or wrong each path eventually leads to a healthy place. At least for those involved in Suzie’s tragic story. As each character dealt with the tragic loss of life in different ways, in the end they ended up reunited and able to move on and live their lives. As Suzie described it, “These were the lovely bones that had grown around my absence.” (Alice Sebold,The Lovely Bones,

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