
The Magical Number Seven Minus Two Summary

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In the paper, The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information, George A. Miller points out the correlations between neural processing to recognize previously shown information and the amount of information that can actually be remembered. He presents several experiments done with unidimensional stimuli, where there is only one stimuli, and multidimensional stimuli, where there are more than one. In the first experiments talked about, only one sensory process was tested. For example, Pollack’s experiment tested the auditory sense and the ability to differentiate between pitches. Other experiments were recognized that included the other senses, taste and sight, and all the responses varied around the number six. After around six correct responses, …show more content…

For example, if the results of the unidimensional auditory test were two, the multidimensional results should square if there are two factors to be determined, cube if there are three, and so on. In the results, while the bit amount did increase, it did not increase as much as scientists thought. This showed that including more senses in an experiment would increase the correct amount of transmitted information, possibly because more information is shown to begin with. In one of the last experiments shown, Sidney Smith demonstrates that with the use of chunking, more digits can be recalled. When asked to recall binary digits without the chunking technique, subjects only could recall around nine digits, but with the recoded scheme, all subjects increased in the amount of numbers remembered. Miller believed that the most often time recoding was used was when one would tell about a certain event that happened in their own words. In the summary, Miller says that he believes that the occurrence of the number seven is just a

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