
The Main Causes Of The Missouri Compromise

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Missouri Compromise 1820 Description As a result of Missouri’s request to become a state in the Union, there was much debate over whether the new state would allow slavery or be a free state. In order to appease both sides, Missouri was admitted as a slave state alongside Maine, which became a free state. Causes In the nineteenth century, the United States saw an increase in immigration and reproduction rates which evidently led to an expanding population; as the population of an area grew, the area would become qualified to apply for statehood, as seen by Missouri. The main cause for conflict, however, stems from the differing cultures and economies of the North and the South, where the South needed slaves but the North did not. Impact The Missouri Compromise helped alleviate tensions between the two regions for a few decades, with the balance of states and the imaginary line drawn. However, the Missouri Compromise led to increased regionalism as the different areas began to see themselves as separate. Nullification Crisis 1832 Description South Carolina, displeased with the recent developments on tariffs, held a convention and declared the tariff void. In response, President Jackson authorized force of arms, if necessary, in order to collect the tariffs. Causes One main cause of the Nullification Crisis was the Tariffs of Abominations, passed to protect the American industry after the War of 1812. Branching from that cause is regionalism; the Southerners stated that

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