
The Main Purpose Of Alcoholic Anonymous Essay

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The main purpose of Alcoholic Anonymous (A.A.) is to help members keep an open mind on the subject and can stay sober. Using the 12 steps designed by A.A. assists people to break through their denial and to see the problems alcohol has caused in their lives. The Twelve Steps are the core of A.A’s program of recovery from alcoholism. They are based on the trial-and error experience of A.A’s early members and have worked for millions of alcoholics since then. In recent years, there are about 1.2 million people who belong to one of A.A.’s 55,000 meeting groups in the United States.
On October 9 2016, after the clinical, I attended the A.A meeting located at St. Patrick 's Roman Catholic Church 9511 4th Ave Brooklyn. The open meeting started at 4pm and was held with approximately 35 to 40 attendees for one hour. The room was located at the basement of the building but it was clean, cozy and bright. There were many chairs and one big C shape desk in the front so some people could be sitting around the table while most of people were sitting behind the table. One interesting thing was that there was a person who translated the entire meeting in sign language for the deaf so the meeting looked more formal and organized. Unlike my imagination that people would have unkempt, addicting appearances, and borderline offensive hygiene, the majority of the members had clean and nice looking, well kempt, and healthy appearances. As soon as we entered the room, one woman welcomed us and

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