Student # 7th hour Mrs.Stone Have you ever been in a situation in which your morals are being challenged and you must stand for what you believe in? Or even when it seems that you should be doing something different, but you must fight to stay true to who you are. Well, in the movie The Majestic directed by Frank Darabont the main character, Peter Appleton played by Jim Carrey, has a luxurious life of movie making and all seems well. Until he is convicted of being a communist, his life starts to fall into shambles. One night he crashes his car and loses his memory, later he is found near a small town and mistaken for a long lost World War 2 soldier. Then his two lives collide and he must stand trial for crimes he did not knowingly commit, this is when he must stand for what is right and true. Now ask yourself, would you in Peter’s position stand strong or just go with the flow? If I was put in Peter’s position at this moment I can confidently say that I would stand my ground and hold true to my …show more content…
to run or swim is worth the reward. When I know full well that other kids my age stay out late and then sleep in late. This requires strict rules I have to set for myself and determination to follow these guidelines. Moreover I must be willing to sacrifice my own time, and my family’s time to pursue these dreams. Similarly Peter, by admitting the truth, had to be willing to give up his old convenient life and reach for a better one. This will eventually, through hard work, pay off and you will see results. Such as lowering your time in an event, or memorizing information for school. All of this may be over time or in Peter’s case in just one seconds decision to stand up for what is right, but no matter the case you must push on. So every morning that I rise with the sun, I must stand (literally) for what I hope to accomplish. In like manner of Peter, who stood for freedom and truth, I continue to persevere my
Peter was highly fulfilled with his great accomplishments, he had the ability to use his understanding from different ideas of people to come up with a solution. He didn't only see the importance in himself to look good, as he was leading he also saw the importance of his country years past him, as in he saw how great his country truly is, and didn't just aspire to make it good within the time of his rain. He aspired to make an environment where young minds and pupils can come and grow his friendly demeanor and strong willed attitude was a vital reason why we have many things we still
The hotel on the corner of bitter and sweet is a novel written by Jamie Ford. This book takes place in between 1940s to 1990s, during the World War II. This is when the Japanese’s were forced into concentration camps. Some were temporarily to live in horse stalls. This is a fictional story between a Japanese girl and a Chinese boy. Jamie Ford uses characters to show most relationships can survive anything.
Katherine Boo’s book, Behind The Beautiful Forevers, portrays the “new life” the people in India live as capitalism and globalism ventures into their lives. These two systems look to promise new and improved social opportunities for all classes, not just the wealthy. However, although this makes it seem like the government of India in the 21st century is progressing towards a more fairer society for all its citizens, the reality is, they are really not progressing at all. Of course, while capitalism and globalization initially gave all citizens, especially the lower classes, hope that more opportunities would be available to them, it seems it has prevaricated it all as these opportunities have been more transformative to the elite and privileged classes than it has for the poor.
While it may be easier to persuade yourself that Boo’s published stories are works of fiction, her writings of the slums that surround the luxury hotels of Mumbai’s airport are very, very real. Katherine Boo’s book “Behind the Beautiful Forevers – Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity” does not attempt to solve problems or be an expert on social policy; instead, Boo provides the reader with an objective window into the battles between extremities of wealth and poverty. “Behind the Beautiful Forevers,” then, exposes the paucity and corruption prevalent within India.
I believe that the community of India is hopeless. I believe this because by comparing their community to ours, there isn’t really much hope for recovery in their present situation. The poverty in India is different from the poverty in the United States. Between India and the U.S., homes, revenue, and jobs are drastically different. In the U.S., homes are bigger and are built by organization who help those who live in poverty. Those who are homeless are presented with food stamps as a way of currency so they can survive. Also for those who live in poverty in the U.S. are presented with more jobs and more opportunities than the people of India. These differences show how even though both India and the United States have similar economic difficulties, one almost has no hope of return.
The bad and the good do not balance out, one good act does not make up for countless hardships people put others through. Humans are cruel and self absorbed creatures, Peter is a prime example of a sadistic over controlling person. This is the worst of mankind leader figures who strive to make others feel pain or to start wars. Throughout history there has always been a dictator figure or an
In the book into the wild Chris McCandless is trying to escape reality, and be free. You can never put a price on freedom especially Chris’. In Chris’ attempt to escape reality he finds himself all over again. I agree with the author that Chris McCandless wasn’t a crazy person, a sociopath, or an outcast because he got along with many people very well but he did seem somewhat incompetent, even though he survived for a while.
A person that fends for themselves isn’t always successful to the best of their ability. It’s
The idea of “The Beastie” in Lord of The Flies, by William Golding, is created because of the boys’ fear on the island. Everyone likes to blame their problems on foreign things or other people because it allows them to feel self-assured. The reality is that as young children, the necessity to find a way to survive on a stranded island is very overwhelming for them. In result, the boys subconsciously create the idea that there is a monster on the island and blame all their fears on this “Beastie”. In Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, the Beastie represents realization of the boys and the effect of fear.
The movie the “Beauty and the Beast” by director Bill Condon, is a fairy tale about a young woman and a beast that fell in love. The beast was originally a prince that got turned into a beast. He was turned into this because he couldn't ever see the real beauty in things and only cared about himself. He then imprisoned Belle, a young woman, and her father. Belle then found herself taking the place of her father in the castle and sent her father home. She learned to care about the beats and truly fell in love with him and turned him back into the man he once was. Everything turned back to normal and they lived happily ever after. This movie was the remake of the original Beauty and the Beast that was made back in 1991. It took them twenty six years to make a new movie, but it turned out great. It is a movie with beautiful music, lots of special effects, and wonderful actors that play an important role.
Explain how you would respond if you were Peter at the end of the case.
He is faced with compunctions. “The thing is, over there, it was easy. We didn't think too much about it, we just saw our chance and took it. But lately I'm thinking crazy stuff. I'm thinking, there's a curse on that money. Maybe somebody has to pay…” (Blundell, p. ).Even tho Peter feels remorse for his crimes, he will follow the path that leads to money which at the end leads to horrible results. To add, Peter wasn't alone on his conquest for wealth. In the war he was accompanied by Joe Spooner. They both had shared ideas and big dreams for the future. Unfortunately, Joe was a natural business man who had bigger visions that decided to take advantage of Peter. “Peter spoke so softly that only Joe and I could hear it. "Who's the dirty rat here, Joe? From where I'm standing?”(Blundell, p. ). Their is significantly some tension in the air and Peter isn't one to stand for Joe's betrayal as he calls him out for exploiting him. Talking about betrayal, in “Love and Treasure” Captain Rigsdale, the main chef in charge
In 1957, president Eisenhower made Central High School intergrate and the press played a big role in that. In 1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson decided separate but equal. But before Plessy vs Ferguson the 13th amendment was made to abolish slavery. In the regards to the events surrounding the integration of Central High School.
"Do Not Go Gentle" is a heart grabbing, funny story that shows how caring Native Americans can be in using tribal ways for their survival in the modern world. The setting is a children's hospital in Seattle, where the mother preforms a ritual with a vibrator called "chocolate thunder" to help the healing of her son and eventually gives him the name Abraham.
The short film entitled “The Most Beautiful Thing” is about a smart and lonely boy in high school who falls for a girl who is also lonely and has special needs. This film came out in 2012 and Cameron Covell is the director, writer, and producer of the film. It is only about 11 minutes long, but it conveys a very powerful message about love. This short film is a great movie to watch because many people can relate to the struggles of the boy (Brandon), it is amazing to see who he falls in love with (Emily) and how she changes his world, and the courage displayed by both Brandon and Emily at the end of the film is astounding and encouraging.