
The Maltese Falcon Film Analysis

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As a film noir, The Maltese Falcon displays characteristics of a time that commanded a type of film that captured the essence of obscurity. It’s a film that is vivid with failed romance and cynicism between two main characters, who are ideas of American masculinity and femininity, yet, the film suggests that each is the others downfall. As a dominate character in the film The Maltese Falcon, Sam Spade represents the gruff male lead of a standard film noir. He is masculinity wrapped up in the form of the “hard-nosed” detective with no allusions to his sexuality needed. He exudes power and self-control as he deals with the classic “femme fatale” who brings into question his morality. The classic “femme fatale” is presented by Brigid O’Shaunnesy, whose role is a sexually charged character with ulterior motives. In keeping with a theme of dark ambiguity, Brigid is confident in her lies and desires that she believes will gain her power over the masculine aspect of the film. The film introduces two males by a window sign with the names, Spade and Archer. Painted on the window, the name Spade appears over top the name Archer and suggests the importance of the character’s roles of masculinity, commanding the audience to see that Spade is the top dog. The position of the sign from inside the office intensifies the shadow of obscurity that envelops the beginning of the film where the public, on the outside, isn’t privy to the secrets within. Brigid’s entrance into the

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