
The Mammalian Reving Reflection Of The Blood Pressure

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The mammalian dive response causes the blood pressure to increase, heart rate to decrease, and oxygen intake to increase in individuals after they have been submerged in cold water. In this study, after water hit the trigeminal nerve behind the nose, the diving reflex caused peripheral vasoconstriction and bradycardia to occur in the subjects. The vasoconstriction caused the blood pressure to increase as the body attempted to concentrate more blood around heart, lungs and brain. The bradycardia was a result of the body attempting to conserve oxygen by (Pantennon,2013).-----expand bradycardia This response allows mammals to stay underwater longer, and it helps to extend that organisms life span by overriding other reflexes such as taking an immediate breath when suddenly exposed to water. If a mammal lacks the diving response, then it I smore likely that they may drown because of their body not being able to properly respond to the lack of oxygen.
The reactions observed could have also been the result of either the body preparing for hypothermia or simply responding to the cold- water shock. Cold water shock is the body’s response to being suddenly exposed to cold-water. Cold water shock also causes vasoconstriction by causing the blood vessels in the skin to close; both increase the resistance of blood flow which increases blood pressure. However, cold-water shock causes the heart rate to increase, not decrease, as the mammalian dive response does. The sudden

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