
The Man In The Well Summary

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“The man in the well” by Ira Sher, it is about children are playing outside and all a sudden they hear a noise coming from within a well, they go and investigate. They find a man in the well yelling for help, when they come in contact with each other he tells them to go get help. The kids lie and say will get help, but they never do. They end up bringing him food and water. They ultimately keep him in the well and ask him questions like what is your name, how old are you, the man really never answers, and asks the kids to guess, he eventually finds out all the kids names they get spooked and run and never come back and leave. So, as you can see the story is very bizarre. My interoperation is very literal, meaning what it says in the story …show more content…

It’s important to note when they first talk the man says I’ve been in here for days so he had to bring supplies like food and water or else how would he still be alive? When they talk, he asks for a ladder or rope to get out he doesn’t want anything to do with their parents, because the parents will act rational and call the police and then he will be compromised. Clearly the man is unstable and has something to hide, for example he wouldn’t tell the kids his name and age. He would have eagerly answered all the kids questions if he was innocent and really needed to get out. More proof he is a psychopath is he even starts to try to play games with the kids, he asks them to guess his name and how old he is, again would a rational person do this? More proof that the man is a psycho is the way he is able to read the kids, for example he finds out all the kids names by outsmarting them and them asking them one by one what is his name, that freaked out the kids so much they left and never came back. One more thing to point out he asks multiple times does it look like it’ll rain that’s important because that’s his way out, when it rains it will flood the well so he can swim up and get

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