
Thinking Critically 1.2

Good Essays

The case study that I have chosen for this particular paper comes under the section ‘Thinking Critically 1.2’ titled ‘The Man Who Shocked the World’. The case study mainly revolves around a controversial psychological experiment conducted by Dr. Stanley Milgram, a 28-year-old psychologist at Yale University who was also a Harvard graduate with a PhD. He basically chose to study human behavior and provide insights on the capacity of the members of the human race to inflict harm on each other. In order to carry out this study, he advertised for and chose participants from the general public who were only told that they would be volunteers in an experiment on punishment and learning.
The set-up of the experiment was such that the ‘teacher’ …show more content…

Utilitarianism (according to the classical approach) argues that the ‘morally right action is the action that produces the most good’ (Driver, 2014). If understood entirely in terms of the results or the consequences produced by an action, then it can be argued according to utilitarianism that the best moral action is the one that produces the best consequences. The strength of this theory according to me is that it endorses as right the actions that are morally good for everybody, not just the one who does it or is affected by it. Also, according to the classical theory of utilitarianism, impartiality is an important value that must be present when a morally right action with the right consequences is being carried out (Driver, 2014). The weakness of this theory according to me is that ‘good’ is often equated with ‘pleasure’ in utilitarianism which can create a lot of misunderstandings and lead to wrong conclusions being derived out of situations. When analyzing the case study under consideration through the lens of utilitarianism, one can argue that Dr. Milgram conducted the experiment for the overall good of the human community because he came up with revelations that he argues explains the innate behavior of human beings submitting to authority. However, utilitarianism says that the

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