
The Management Plan For The Providence Football Stadium Arena Stadium

Decent Essays

The Providence football stadium is proud to bring the “Fly Away Tour”, which is the last stop on the world tour for the world famous band “The Flip Flops”. The venue selected to stage the concert is an open air football stadium that holds a capacity of 15,000 patrons. When planning an outdoor event it is important to have a proper risk management plan in place to address the potential risk associated with the planning and execution of the “Fly Away Tour”. Throughout the following risk assessment plan we will identify, assess, implement, and review the risk that can happen over the course of the event. The risks that can happen at the Providence stop of the “Fly Away Tour” include ingress/egress issues, crowd control issues, and alcohol/concessions issues.
The first section of the risk management plan will address is ingress and egress of the venue. The football stadium has two different entrances available for patrons to use for ingress, but there will be guests that need to have tickets purchased on the day of the event. As a result, all the will call and walk-up ticket purchases will be handled through the secondary entrance. By using signage and the event staff to guide the advance purchase fans to the main entrance, the fans that purchased their tickets beforehand will rewarded in a way by having access to the main entrance, which will serve as an incentive. In addition, this will allow the 12,000 fans that purchased their tickets in advance to safely enter

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