
The Manager 's Moody Disposition Is Creating An Unwelcoming Workplace Environment

Decent Essays

If that someone is a manager: To ensure that it is not just my subjective perception, I would check with other project leaders (PL) to see if they also have noticed that the manager’s moody disposition is creating an unwelcoming workplace environment. If the other PLs agree, I would then meet with my team to discuss general workplace satisfaction topics, to see if a team member uses the opportunity to share what he or she has observed in the workplace – that may pertain to the manager. If a team member comments that he or she has noticed what may be considered erratic behavior by the manager (without me raising the topic), it would potentially be a sign that the manager’s disposition may be having a negative impact on the organization as a whole.
Afterwards, I would request to meet one-on-one with the manager to discuss what I (and other members of the organization) have observed pertaining to the situation, to see if it is a professional or personal issue. If professional, I would discuss what can be done so we, the team, the organization, can help make for a better workplace environment. If it is personal, I would state that I hope things work out and let me know how the organization can help. However, personal or professional, if one individual continues to create an unwelcoming workplace environment for myself and my team -I would elevate the issue to higher management if it is not resolved. Employees are entitled to have a bad day or times when they may not appear so

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