The Manhattan Project Lifesaver or Life Destroyer Going throughout history and the mistakes we have made throughout, you would think back and say if we did the right thing or if we have made a huge mistake. In this case it is the Manhattan Project. This project was first time the atomic bomb was introduced. It was led by General Leslie Groves and the research was directed by American scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer. Most of the people who worked on this project were not told what they were working on, but only told what to do. In this case, was it right to lie to the people working on this project, was it necessary not to tell the U.S. community, and was it necessary to bomb Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The Manhattan Project was necessary for certain things, but not all. As human beings, we tend to lie to people. Whether it be to your parents, friends, or school teachers. It is just a thing we do to keep ourselves from getting in trouble. When working on the Manhattan Project, certain people were not told what the project is. Others were told but were not allowed to tell anyone else. This was because they did not want the US community to know. They didn’t know what type of response they would get. If you put yourself in one of the workers shoes and then realized what you have been working on, you would feel so bad because you created a weapon of
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destruction. Not only that but you also took part in a project that killed millions. This is how most people felt
The Manhattan Project was the code name of the America’s attempt to construct an atomic bomb during World War II. It was named after the Manhattan Engineer District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, because a lot of it’s earlier research was done in New York City. An atomic bomb is a weapon that uses the energy from a nuclear reaction called Fission for its destruction.
The use of the atomic bomb the U.S used against Japan was Unjustified. The U.S had several other alternatives to solve the conflict between the two countries. Furthermore, the bomb was strongly racially motivated and had many inhumane side-effects to the dangerous explosion when the blast had hit Japan. Before resorting to using the bomb the U.S should have considered the many options they had at hand.
In 1942 Major General Leslie Groves began direction of the Manhattan project, a 4 year project created to make nuclear weaponry. It was headquartered out of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, but they had many locations across the United States and Canada. Some say that the Us should have dropped the Atomic bomb because of the unknown amount of people who could have died if we didn’t stop. Although, The United States shouldn’t have dropped the atomic bomb because of the cost of life, the health effects on survivors, and it pushed us into an arms race with Russia.
When the U.S. dropped this bomb, all pre-existing laws of human conduct and morality were broken. Now children, unless told otherwise, have the idea of using mass destruction weapons as being an acceptable thing. People now have no reason to trust one another again because America is breaking rules against humanity. Finally, President Truman’s use of the Atomic bomb was unjustified because the bomb resulted in a number of tragic casualties. In President Truman’s memoirs, he states, “An atomic bomb explosion would inflict damage and casualties beyond imagination” (Doc 1).
Although the Manhattan Project lead to good things it lead to one of the most dangerous wars that led to the brink of destruction for two nations. By dropping the bomb Truman provoked Stalin. It also led to the nuclear arms race and ran society into the nuclear age. Where two nations almost took each other out with the use of this new terrifying weapon. Both sides have viable arguments as to why we shouldn't have dropped the bomb, and why we
When the United States dropped the first atomic bomb over Hiroshima Japan many people doubted and resented that decision. It is understandable why they feel that way but they may not beware of the what would’ve happened if the United States hadn’t. America made the right decision by dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan because it brought an end to the war and it prevented thousands of deaths and injuries that would have happened if they didn’t drop the bomb and instead invaded Japan. The United States government made the right choice by dropping the atomic bomb because it brought an end the World War Two.
It was December 7, 1942 a beautiful mourning in Pearl Harbor. When out of the blue, hundreds of Japanese planes bomb and either sunk or severely damaged eight battle ships and at least thirteen other naval ships that were docked on the shore. This spark is what involved the United States the forest fire known as World War II. My paper is not on the war itself, but is on the atomic bomb, and what was known as the Manhattan project. In my report I will talk about the many reasons, the atomic bomb had to be created and used.
Thesis Statement: The Manhattan Project was the American program for researching and developing the first atomic bombs because of the project it cost a lot of people their lives.
They came, unwarned. On the 7th of December 1941, the Japanese executed a full-fledged attack on Pearl Harbor. They mercilessly created havoc, with attacks that caused the sinking of eighteen American ships, as well as 170 aircrafts. The casualties were dreadful, with 1,177 of those lost lives had been of the crewmen. The very next day, President Roosevelt declared war on Japan, and thus the United States’ involvement of World War II. Americans of every state were absolutely enraged and bent on their will for vengeance against the Asian country. Within the shadows of galvanized America, Robert Oppenheimer had set his infamous Manhattan Project into action. This project was so disclosed that only a limited number of men truly knew of its purpose. The clandestine project held prior securities to the point in which famous scientists had to use codenames in order to visit Los Alamos, even wives were kept in the dark, and only key scientists could bring their wives along with them. (Source D) This project had been the discreet creation of the Atomic Bombs. Time and time again, this topic had never really dissipated, its controversial who, what and whys prompting generations to debate its palpable purpose. Was the aim really focused for the “good of all?” Was it for America’s self-preservation and wish to promptly put an end to all of the suffering? Many Americans to this day still believe and argue for the usefulness of the atomic bombings, that the droppings were justified.
On August 6, 1945 the United States dropped the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. This was an extremely controversial military strategy in the United States. Was the United States justified in the dropping of the atomic bomb? The U.S. feared the rise of communism and gave aid to any country against it. The U.S. also fought countries threatening the spread communism. One of these countries was Japan. We began a harsh and brutal war against Japan and against communism. This war was killing many soldiers and Japan was not backing down. President Truman decided to use the atomic bomb when things were getting worse. The decision to use the atomic bomb was a difficult one and many people wonder if it was the right
The Manhattan Project had various short and long term affects around the world. Primarily, the research done to create an atomic bomb led to the discovery of how to harness nuclear power which affects our lives to this day. However, the Manhattan Project also led to the creation of two more atomic bombs which would be used in WWII, radiation poisoning resulting in the death of many , fear of nuclear weapons during the Cold War, the end of the Second World War which was still taking place in Japan, and the threat of nuclear weapons around the world that still exists.
Leading up to this time the fascist dictators began to gain power in European countries. The big three being the countries of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler, Italy, Benito Mussolini, and Japan, Emperor Hirohito. In 1935 Italy invades and conquers Ethiopia, shorty after Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy sign a treaty of cooperation. In 1937,Japan, lead by Hirohito, invaded China. Joseph Stalin, of Russia, signs the German-Russian non-aggression pact; which allowed Hitler to invade Poland. But when news of the German invasion of Poland spread Britain along with France joined the war to oppose the Germans. Germany only continues in it’s quest for conquest by invading Denmark and Norway in the year 1940. Meanwhile the United States is remaining completely uninvolved under it’s Neutrality Act that was passed in 1935. The United States, lead by president Franklin D. Roosevelt, enacted it’s Lend Lease Act in 1941 in order to trade and sell to allied forces, for payment after war. Japan realizes that the U.S. wasn’t exactly being neutral so it sent suicide bombers to attack our naval base in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Thus leading into the use of the atomic bomb, but first the construction, an event referred to as the Manhattan Project. The name Manhattan Project came about because the program began under the Manhattan Engineering District of the War Department.
In the midst of World War II, August 1945, the United States unleashed the first ever atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The usage of the atomic bomb was effective, but at the same time devastating and unnecessary. The United States should not have dropped the atomic bomb because it maimed countless of Japanese civilians, caused radiation poisoning whose effects impacted future generations, left both cities in ruins, left citizens homeless, and it was absolutely unmoral for the United States to have created such havoc and chaos in these two cities. Being there on the day Hiroshima was struck by the atomic bomb, junior high student,
“ The atom bomb was no ‘great decision.’ It was merely another powerful weapon in the arsenal of righteousness.” This quote was said by Harry S. Truman the first President who used an atomic bomb. The program that was able to create this monstrous power was known as the Manhattan Project. Creating this weapon was their main priority. The United States was in the midst of World War 2. The atomic bomb is considered to be the main factor that ended that war. It was a race against the multiple enemies of the United States, to be the first to acquire this power and use it when necessary. The Manhattan Project was kept strictly confidential and, created the foundation of the future and more powerful nuclear weapons to come.
The process of building the two atomic bombs was long and hard. The Manhattan project employed 120,000 people, and cost almost $2 billion. Although there were 120,000 Americans working on the project only a select group of scientist knew of the atomic bomb development. Vice president Truman never knew about the development of the bombs until he became president. The axis powers did not know what was going on with the development of the atomic bomb; there was a soviet spy in the project. The soviet spy was Klaus Fuchs, and he had become one of the few people who knew of the bombs.