
The Manipulation Of Time In William Faulkner's A Rose For Emily

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In A Rose For Emily by William Faulkner, the narrator, or the town’s shared voice, does not tell the story in a chronological sequence of events. The story begins at Emily Grierson’s funeral and proceeds to explain her mysterious life through a series flashbacks that are seemly unconnected. This distortment of time allows for the reader to be ignorant of the true events occurring in the story and for the ending to come as a complete shock, rather than a mere closing to the tale. The chronology in A Rose For Emily, or lack thereof, dramatically changes the effect of the events and directly influences the audience’s take on the short story.
The narrator directs the reader’s attention to certain events in Emily’s life. The first person point of view from the town severely limits the understanding of Emily’s actions and especially her thoughts. The narrator’s manipulation of time leaves the reader’s mind to fabricate their own details and assumptions to fill in the gaps of Emily’s life. This alters the evidence of the murder of Homer Barron. The order and choice of the flashbacks gently pushes the …show more content…

Instead, the shifts between past and present transform this into suspenseful thriller. This mystery constantly forces the audience to try to put the pieces of Emily’s story together. What was that awful smell coming from her house? Why did she buy the poison? Where did Homer Barron disappear to? Why does she stay shut up in her house? The warped chronology creates apprehension and anxiety that something very wrong must have happened in Emily’s life. Due to the juxtapositioning of flashback and present-day the reader is desperately trying to correct the timeline of the story in order to figure out what exactly has happened. This keeps the readers guessing until the very last sentences of the

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